Virtual Leader: Game-Changing Skills and Strategies of the New Enterprise Manager

The Association of Virtual Worlds (AVW) ha publicado recientemente un libro verdaderamente interesante sobre las habilidades y estrategias de los nuevos líderes virtuales: “Virtual Leader: Game-Changing Skills and Strategies of the New Enterprise Manager”.

Virtual Leader Book Cover

Presentación del libro:

“The rapidly growing virtual web is where enterprise leaders hone skills, develop strategies and find solutions. Whether you are a manager or an organization this book will help you identify the skills and strategies that can lead you and your enterprise to success on the virtual web.

The book identifies 15 skills of the new virtual leader. It offers over 50 mini showcases of companies and the virtual strategies they employed. It features 25 virtual leaders who contributed their expertise, insights and case studies to guide managers and their organizations as they explore virtual strategies.

Virtual change is finding its way into every aspect of enterprise, commerce and management. Today’s managers in corporations, small businesses, non-profits, educational institutions, and associations are all looking for ways to incorporate new virtual elements such as virtual worlds, online games, social media, 3D and mobile technology to improve communication with employees and enhance engagement with customers.

This book provides a look at the state of the current virtual economy, outlines a list of skills managers will need to become more effective leaders in the new virtual marketplace, and showcases specific virtual strategies and solutions some virtual leaders and their forward-thinking companies employed to communicate with employees, engage with customers and move to the next level of enterprise on the virtual web– the level of game changers.

Who is the virtual leader? Who is the game changer who will inspire employees, engage customers, and lead their organization safely through all the emerging technologies to success on the virtual web?

 Many of the skills, abilities, attributes, qualities and characteristics of this new leader are different from those of previous generations of managers. The climate, the environment, the employees, the customer, and the enterprise marketplace are all more distributed. While core corporate values and goals may remain the same, new skills are needed to either augment or replace traditional management tools.

 Virtual leaders are ground-breakers. They are imaginative. They are committed to excellence. They are bold. They are proud of the brand they represent, of the employees they manage and the customers they serve. The men and women who are virtual managers are the A-list.

Leadership in a virtual enterprise is less about entitlement or hierarchy and more about relationships and outcomes. The successful virtual leader is comfortable in a fluid environment where decisions need to be made quickly and often with only fragmentary, shifting or incomplete information and where teams need to be assembled based on the effectiveness of each individual’s contribution toward a common goal, rather than on their seniority.

 Collaboration, coaching and motivation are highly prized. Openness, authenticity and generosity are not just words but fundamental values woven right into the new enterprise fabric. Courage and curiosity are rewarded. Failure is not fatal – it’s part of the ongoing virtual growth process.

What is the profile of the new virtual leader? The virtual leader is a fearless new technology evangelist, a three dimensional thinker, a savvy networker, a fighter of stereotypes, a coach, a super sales person, a pilot navigator, an entertainer and an entrepreneur who never forgets the core goals of the enterprise and always remembers that the marketplace is now virtual.

 If you are a manager looking to make your career mark or if you are an enterprise looking for that new leader, look carefully at these competencies. They identify the qualities of the next generation of successful virtual leaders:

  • Augmenter

  • Coach

  • Direct Relationship Builder

  • Entertainer

  • Entrepreneur

  • Fearless Risk Taker

  • Instant Gratification Guru

  • New Technology Evangelist

  • Sales Master

  • Smart Crowd Networker

  • Stereotype Buster

  • Three Dimensional Thinker

  • Transparency Advocate

  • Virtual Solutions Champion

  • Virtual Team Manager”

Link a la edición para Kindle en Amazon

Sitio web de la Association of Virtual Worlds:

Artículo sobre los líderes virtuales: “Virtual Management - a New Business Organization Paradigm” by J.J. Murphy

This article argues that traditional management methods and structures are failing to adequately accommodate a complexity-based world view, which is characterized by discontinuous change, hyper competition and the exponential explosion of information science and shows how the management paradigm has been updated by the new era of the virtual structures.

While the management structures and systems developed by such researchers as Weber, Fayol, Taylor and Drucker in the 19th and 20th centuries established a management paradigm which has endured up to the millennium, these "simple" structures and systems were more suited to a time when competition was slower, less aggressive, and characterized by long periods of stability, and when information science was in its embryonic or primordial stage. It is abundantly clear, however, that the arrival of the 21st Century demands a fundamental rethink, and the development of a management paradigm that can withstand the pressure of rapid change in a borderless, connected and wired world, relying more and more on virtual structures – a virtual management system.

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