Simulaciones de Empresa y Desarrollo Directivo: algunos recursos

simulaciones de empresaEstos son algunos artículos, white papers, noticias, informes, etc. que investigan y analizan las aplicaciones de las simulaciones de empresa, de los juegos serios y de los mundos virtuales para la Formación en Management y el Desarrollo Directivo. Las simulaciones de empresa están siendo ampliamente utilizadas por empresas de todo el mundo para trasladar el aprendizaje de las aulas al mundo real.

Los Programas de Formación basados en simulaciones de empresa hacen posible que los participantes, organizados en equipos, practiquen la toma de decisiones sobre los problemas reales que están enfrentando en su trabajo y que observen, en tiempo real, como esas decisiones tienen un impacto entre sí y en sus resultados.

Puedes bajarte los documentos en PDF haciendo clic en el botón "Download" que he incluido debajo del título y del resumen de cada uno de los mismos:

Got Game The Use of Gaming in Learning and Development – Kip Kelly - UNC

Video games—and the people who play them—have changed dramatically since 1948. Generations of gamers have grown up and entered the workplace, and video games have made the same transition, extending their influence into companies around the globe. Many organizations are increasingly using gaming technology in their learning and development programs to help build the next generation of business leaders.

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Latest Game Theory - Mixing Work and Play - Rachel Silverman 

Striving to make everyday business tasks more engaging, a growing number of firms, including International Business Machines Corp. and consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., are incorporating elements of videogames into the workplace

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Leadership In Games and at Work - Seriosity and IBM 

Complex multiplayer online games foreshadow new possibilities for effective leadership and the future of work. An increasingly large portion of game play is collaborative and strategic, and it requires sustained interactions with several players. The engagement of games and the lessons they foster may influence a new gamer generation to expect real work that better resembles the structure of complex play.

This project observed leadership in complex online games to allow a comparison between current leadership models and leadership in the games. We began with a contemporary model of leadership, The Sloan Leadership Model, which defines leadership in four dimensions – Sensemaking, Inventing, Relating and Visioning. The project goal was to see if the Sloan model, and by extension, other traditional models of leadership, need to be changed to account for game play

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Playing Games with Leadership - How Business Simulations and Games Are Growing Tomorrow’s Leaders - Bjorn Billhardt 

Advances in game design and more readily available access to technology have made leadership simulations more desirable training tools. Earlier simulations played in business schools and corporate training rooms were often primitive affairs with poker chips and index cards. These tools were generally better at teaching high-level concepts than nuance. In contrast, newer computer-based simulations can teach the subtleties of leadership through carefully engineered events, decision points, and conflicts.

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Playing to Learn - Business Simulation Games as Leadership Learning Environments - Anna Siewiorek 

The  aim  of  this  dissertation  is  to  investigate  if  participation  in  business  simulation  gaming sessions  can  make  different  leadership  styles  visible  and  provide  students  with  experiences beneficial  for  the  development  of  leadership  skills.  Particularly,  the  focus  is  to  describe  the development  of  leadership  styles  when  leading  virtual  teams  in  computer­supported collaborative game settings and to identify the outcomes of using computer simulation games as leadership training tools

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The Added Value of Serious Games in Management Development Programs - The Slowesa Case - Albert-Jan Pomper

For decades it has been common practice to use gaming principles, such as role-playing and simulation, in management development(MD)-programs. The last few years it has also become more common to use serious games in MD-programs. The objective of this article is to examine the use of serious games in this context. The central question is “What is the added value of serious games in MD-programs?”

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Serious Games - Online Games for Learning - Anne Derryberry

Serious games, expected to be a US$1.5 billion global market in 2008, are being described by some analysts as the next wave of technology-mediated learning. As organizations intensifytheir efforts to engage with members of today’s workforce, serious games offer a powerful,effective approach to learning and skills development. This paper looks at serious games and their potential as learning tools. It also asks and answers some of the initial questions that challenge decision-makers, designers, and developers

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This paper discusses the emerging role of business acumen in leadership development programs and how this differs from business or (financial) literacy programs. Leadership development approaches can be said to have undergone three phases over the past 20+ years. These include the personality approaches, competency approaches and emotional approaches. Until now the emergence of approaches that link leadership development directly to financial outcomes has been limited by the absence of a coherent model which clearly shows the relationship between behavior and financial outcomes. Such approaches have now emerged and provide the basis for strong programs to increase business acumen as part of leadership development programs

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The Use of Serious Games in the Corporate Sector – Learnovate Centre

Corporate training is facing major challenges. Employees are no longer engaging with traditional forms of training including eLearning, finding the whole experience ‘unexciting’ and ‘boring’.Compounding this situation is the growing numbers of ‘millennials’ entering the workforce. According to Bersin and Associates, by 2014, 47% of the US workforce will be under 35. There is a need to make training more engaging, relevant and ‘sticky’ because a well trained workforce impacts key
business drivers.

There is growing corporate interest in the ‘gamification’ of business processes such as training, marketing and recruitment. Gamification is the application of game mechanics to non-gaming environments to improve engagement and motivation and to influence behaviours.The ‘gamification’ of training is different to the ‘gamification’ of other business processes because there are clearly defined learning objectives with associated learning outcomes to be achieved. Properly designed educational games (serious games) are underpinned by both learning theory and computer games theory; the pedagogical foundation ensuring that successful learning outcomes are the primary drivers. Serious games, driven by instructional goals and appropriate application of game mechanics, have considerable potential to engage, motivate and influence the behaviours of a
corporate workforce. It is the attributes of games, such as compelling storylines, attainable challenges, rewards, recognition and control that make them so powerful for learning.

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Virtual Worlds and the Transformation of Business - Robert B. Cohen

Virtual Worlds, immersive and collaborative environments on the Internet, also referred to as Web 3D, are likely to transform the global business environment. Developed out of online games, social networking, and Web services, Virtual Worlds benefit from several technologies that enhance their usefulness, including massively scaled games, avatars, cloud/on-demand/grid computing, on-demand storage, and next-generation networks. The convergence of these technologies in a new Virtual World “ecosystem” will change the way businesses operate. By creating immersive environment platforms accessible through mobile and other handheld devices, Virtual Worlds bring powerful computing, data analysis, and decision-making tools to employees of firms of any size

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Virtual Worlds Real Leaders - Online games put the future of business leadership on display – Seriosity and IBM

What new skills and competencies will leaders need to succeed in work environments that are increasingly virtual and distributed? What types of training and tools can forward-thinking companies use to enable a new breed of leader that thrives
in these uncertain environments? Are there people who already have these skills, or places where these new skills are
being developed and refined? Online games, and specifically massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), offer a glimpse at how leaders develop and operate in environments that are highly distributed, global, hyper-competitive, and virtual. Hundreds of thousands of players — sometimes millions — interact daily in highly complex virtual environments. These players self-organize, develop skills, and settle into various roles. Leaders emerge that are capable of recruiting, organizing, motivating, and directing large groups of players toward a common goal. And decisions are made quickly, with ample, but imperfect, information. Sound familiar?

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Why Gamification is Serious Business - Accenture Outlook March 2013

By using the mechanics of digital gaming, companies in a wide range of industries are boosting innovation, building more effective marketing campaigns and driving value

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Información periódica sobre mis actividades de formación y recursos de información relacionados con las mismas. Análisis de las Simulaciones de Empresa y los Juegos Serios como Tecnología Disruptiva para la Capacitación Corporativa y el Desarrollo Directivo.


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